Heat up your first 45 days at Equis Financial in pursuit of the IGNITE Award!
Winner receives:
10,000 towards the Incentive Trip
Ticket to National Convention
A One of a Kind Welcome Gift.
To qualify Write 3 apps totaling at least $2,750 in paid premium in your first 45 days. Qualification period begins when an agent submits first carrier contract.
There are 4 levels of qualification based solely on PAID premium volume with a per case max credit of $5000. This applies to annuities which will be credited at 5% of face amount or $5000, whichever is less.
Qualification runs based on the physical year, 2018 qualification period runs from Jan 1- Dec 31, 2017. As soon as you achieve a status level you receive the privileges of that status and may upgrade to a higher status based on APV, status for following year is locked in based on Dec 31 APV. On Jan 1, 2018 everyone restarts at o points and starts working on qualifying for 2019. If during 2018 you achieve a higher level than your current level you earn that upgrade immediately.
Qualification Levels
*events refer to Equis Financials 2 National Convention per year.
*welcome gift(s) are cumulative
Equis Financial 2020 Maui, Hawaii
Surancebay Emails
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4. Request Access to Equis Lead System (OPT)
Errors & Omissions Insurance (E&O)
TIP – Start Selling Now!
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