Lead Systems - Step #6

Request Access to OPT!

1) OPT! is the software program used by Equis to manage our lead program.

2) After you have completed the Surancebay emails you should request access to OPT! from the lead department at leads@equisfinancial.com.

3) After you have received the “Verified” email from Equis, you are ready to start buying leads.

4) DO NOT pay for the OPT! upgrade!! Instead, choose the option that says “not interested”.

MailCo Account Set-Up

You do not need full access to Equis Agent Dashboard to register with MailCo. All agents can register at any time with MailCo.

Sign up for a MailCo account HERE

Agency name is “Equis”, Group name is “Oliver Collins”


LeadCo Account Set-Up

Check with your Manager prior to contacting LeadCo.

Email Cheryl at Cheryl@leadcoleads.com. Include: Your association with Equis Financial and Oliver Collins; the counties you are interested in working.  Ask for the current inventory list and she will respond with cost and age of leads available in your desired counties.

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